Neck Pain Treatment in Tampa, FL

You may have neck pain from a car accident injury, working, or doing chores at home.. Our chiropractor at Elan Wellness Center in Tampa, FL, can help ease your pain if you've been in a car accident and suffer from whiplash or shoulder pain. These tips may be able to provide you with relief from neck pain at home.


Do Gentle Stretching

Before you start doing stretches, it can be important to know that overstretching or making sudden movements can make your injury or pain worse. You can search for a “chiropractor near me” to get professional advice about which stretches are right for you. We can provide exercises to help you increase your range of motion, reduce inflammation, and decrease pain.

Avoid Harmful Activities

If your neck pain increases after you do a particular physical activity, then it may be a good idea to limit the activity. You may work in your garden at home or do certain exercises that can exacerbate neck pain. You may even do activities at work that are harmful to your neck. Our chiropractor can give you tips on how to keep the pain down so you can get back to doing what you love (or need to do at work).

Reduce Stress

Stress can only worsen neck and shoulder pain and reducing stress can make it easier to heal and treat your pain. There are several ways you can reduce stress. You can do a hobby you enjoy, listen to calming music, or exercise.

See a Chiropractor

Whether home remedies aren't working or you'd just like the help of an expert, our chiropractor can help give you the treatment you are looking for. Chiropractors can help provide pain relief by manipulating joints and muscles as a natural way to heal your pain. This can help you avoid taking potentially harmful medications or going through harsh surgical procedures.

Get Whiplash Treatment, Car Accident Injury Treatment, and Shoulder Pain Treatment from a Chiropractor

Our chiropractor at Elan Wellness Center in Tampa, FL, can help with shoulder pain, whiplash, and a car accident injury. Call us at (813) 855-0001 to get help from a “chiropractor near me” for pain relief.

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